Why you should join us


When you sit down to watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, it’s assumed that you will actually get to see said temple. And it goes without saying that – by the end of his “Raiders…” adventure, the Ark will no longer be lost. Even if just for a short while. No self-respecting adventure scriptwriter would dare end his flick with the scene where “Doctor Jones” gives up on his quest to find the Crystal Skull because he can’t be arsed to deal with rush hour traffic.


And yet this is how so many wine adventures go!
1. Intrepid wine lover spots a rare wine prize during some routine internet trawling.
2. Intrepid wine lover sets out to track down this rare gem.
3. Intrepid wine lover tries Tops, Ultra Liquors, and Bakkie’s Bargain Booze, without any luck.
4. Intrepid wine lover goes home thirsty.


But that is not the way of the HanDrinksSolo Wine Community. Verily Nay.


The HanDrinksSolo wine community is a virtual gathering place where members are kept up-to-date on new wine releases, exposed to exciting winemakers, and showered with verbal blossoms of wine geekery (so that you can casually toss them out at dinner parties during those awkward silences with the in-laws).


But we don’t just talk about wine; we drink it, too!


When you subscribe to the community, you’ll receive monthly bottles of wine so that the topics discussed on the site can be tasted in your home. And all that without having to wear a fedora, or witness withering glares from wine bar sommeliers after you mispronounce the word “viognier.” (or the word “sommelier”).


Blind tastings & at-home wine tours


The community also hosts “members only” wine tastings, both out-&-about, AND in the comfort of your own home (home delivered tasting packs are so hip right now).
Han will take you on wine tours like “Cabernets of the World”, “The Hard Yards with Chards”, and “Syrahiously, what’s the deal with Shiraz?”
In case it doesn’t go without saying, if obscure movie references and awkward puns freak you out, this may not be the crowd for you.


BUT most of all…


Han Drinks Solo so that you don’t have to. He studiously hunts down South Africa’s most exciting wines, so that he can bring them back and allow the community to meet around them (virtually or otherwise), engage with fellow winelovers, and enrich each other through opinion, opportunities to share, and other things that start with O.


Cheers to that!

Why you should join us

When you sit down to watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, it’s assumed that you will actually get to see said temple. And it goes without saying that – by the end of his “Raiders…” adventure, the Ark will no longer be lost. Even if just for a short while. No self-respecting adventure scriptwriter would dare end his flick with the scene where “Doctor Jones” gives up on his quest to find the Crystal Skull because he can’t be arsed to deal with rush hour traffic.

And yet this is how so many wine adventures go!
1. Intrepid wine lover spots a rare wine prize during some routine internet trawling.
2. Intrepid wine lover sets out to track down this rare gem.
3. Intrepid wine lover tries Tops, Ultra Liquors, and Bakkie’s Bargain Booze, without any luck.
4. Intrepid wine lover goes home thirsty.

But that is not the way of the HanDrinksSolo Wine Community. Verily Nay.

The HanDrinksSolo wine community is a virtual gathering place where members are kept up-to-date on new wine releases, exposed to exciting winemakers, and showered with verbal blossoms of wine geekery (so that you can casually toss them out at dinner parties during those awkward silences with the in-laws).

But we don’t just talk about wine; we drink it, too!

When you subscribe to the community, you’ll receive monthly bottles of wine so that the topics discussed on the site can be tasted in your home. And all that without having to wear a fedora, or witness withering glares from wine bar sommeliers after you mispronounce the word “viognier.” (or the word “sommelier”).

Blind tastings & at-home wine tours

The community also hosts “members only” wine tastings, both out-&-about, AND in the comfort of your own home (home delivered tasting packs are so hip right now).
Han will take you on wine tours like “Cabernets of the World”, “The Hard Yards with Chards”, and “Syrahiously, what’s the deal with Shiraz?”
In case it doesn’t go without saying, if obscure movie references and awkward puns freak you out, this may not be the crowd for you.

BUT most of all…

Han Drinks Solo so that you don’t have to. He studiously hunts down South Africa’s most exciting wines, so that he can bring them back and allow the community to meet around them (virtually or otherwise), engage with fellow winelovers, and enrich each other through opinion, opportunities to share, and other things that start with O.

Cheers to that!