Scions of Sinai Atlantikas + why Pinotage is like StarLord
This is not a red wine.
Or at least not as you know it! This guy is meant to be served lightly chilled, and ideally, on its own. It’s not going to razzle with your Lamb ragu. Nor will it parlez with your prime rib.
Rather, this wine is a statement. It’s a statement in a two-sided debate over what Pinotage should be. I’m going to drag you through this debate – not because I want your to suffer with me – but rather because I think it’s an important way to think about any cultivar. Come with me on the journey to examine Pinotage has become, and what it has the potential to be!
#naturalwine #pinotage #southafricanwine #Timatkin #youngwinemakers #winelovers #winetube